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Jain–Sah–Sawhney: Singularity of discrete random matrices

October 13, 2020

Vishesh Jain, Ashwin Sah, and Mehtaab Sawhney just posted two amazing papers: Singularity of discrete random matrices Part I and Part II.

Vishesh Jain, Ashwin Sah, and Mehtaab Sawhney

The singularity problem for random matrices: what is the probability that a random $n\times n$ matrix with independent 0/1 entries is singular?

The first non-trivial bound on this problem was by Komlós in 1967. After a long series of works by many mathematicians including Kahn, Komlós, Szemerédi, Tao, Vu, Bourgain, Wood, Rudelson, and Vershynin, a breakthrough was recently achieved by Tikhomirov, who showed that, when the matrix entries are iid uniform from \(\{0,1\}\), the probability of singularity if $(1/2 + o(1))^n$, which is tight since with probability $2^{-n}$ the first row is zero.

The new papers of Jain–Sah–Sawhney consider a natural extension of the singularity problem where each entry of the $n\times n$ matrix is iid: 1 with probability $p$ and 0 with probability $1-p$, for some value of $p$ other than 1/2.

A folklore conjecture in this area states that the main reason for the singularity of such random matrices is the presence of two equal rows/columns or some zero row/column:

Conjecture. For a fixed $0 < p < 1$, the probability that a random $n\times n$ matrix with iid Bernoulli(p) entries is singular is $1+o(1)$ times the probability that the matrix has one of the following: (a) two equal rows, (b) two equal columns, (c) a zero row, (d) a zero column.

Note that even Tikhomirov’s breakthrough result does not give precise enough results to answer this conjecture. However, we now have the following incredible result.

Theorem. (Jain–Sah–Sawhney) The above conjecture is true for all $p \ne 1/2$.

(The case $p = 1/2$ remains open.)

In fact, they prove something much more general: namely that the above result remains true if the random matrix entries are iid discrete random variables that are non-uniform on its support. Furthermore, they prove nearly tight bounds on the probability of these matrices having small least singular values. Very impressive!

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